what we’re all about

Welcome to our blog! Glad you are here!!!

We’re two scientists who recently purchased a home and are making it our homestead. Our mutual passions include raising our son (and one on the way!), transitioning to living as self-sufficiently as possible by being green and frugal, staying healthy, and sticking it to the proverbial “man” whenever we can. We often go overboard in researching how to best meet these ends and thought a great way to share our successes and failures would be by blogging them. Sometimes we write a joint post, sometimes we turn the “he-said, she-said” style on it’s head and both tackle the same topic (but separately), and mostly we write individual posts (you’ll know who wrote what…e.g. all car maintenance posts are Walter). Maybe it will make you laugh, maybe you’ll find a good technique or interesting idea to try yourself…our family grows and learns by experimenting, and we hope you are like-minded and find something of use here!

Lila is originally from New York, is a proud Smithie, and earned her MS and Ph.D. in Marine Geochemistry and Sedimentology at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (part of William & Mary). Walter earned a BS in Mathematics and an MS in Applied Physics and Computer Science from Christopher Newport University, and works full time as a software engineer. Our educations brought us to VA, where we met and fell in love (hey, VA is for lovers).

We love to share what we find – and if you find something here that you like, feel free to pass it on. But please link back to us and cite us…we’re scientists, after all.

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