{this moment}

A Friday ritual: a single photo, unaccompanied by explanation, which captures “a simple, special, extraordinary moment…I want to pause, savor and remember.” ~SouleMama




If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see.

The hair is gone!

For months, I had been toying with ideas in my mind. Buzz it all off? Take a couple inches off? Let it grow forever?

We had just finished a marathon of packing boxes, loading the trusty Blazer (and other vehicles our helpful friends and family provided), unloading into the storage unit, all in the oppressive heat and humidity of July and August in southeastern VA. We were still living in a house with no central air conditioning, crappy old window units, and little to no insulation to keep whatever cool air we could generate inside the house. I was pulling out wads and wads of hair every time I took a shower. L kept complaining that the drain was getting clogged by my hair (I can neither confirm nor deny that my hair was doing any clogging – I don’t wear my glasses inside the shower and thus cannot see clearly below my my armpits). I was ready to come to grips with the fact that my youthful days of frolicking around and rocking out with long hair were coming to an end. Plus, there are plenty of people who were/are still successful after chopping off their locks – Andre Agassi, Jon Bon Jovi, Randy Johnson (although he did it because the Yankees paid him to), James Hetfield, etc.

We were up in DC, living with L’s cousin while waiting to close on our house, so I figured there’s got to be someone in DC who can take me from looking like a dirty hippie to a somewhat respectable gentleman. Google once again came to the rescue! I googled “best places for men’s haircut DC” and got a much smaller list than expected. I researched them all. Read reviews, looked at prices, looked at location. All of them had great reviews, most of them had crazy prices. I was expecting a little bit of price gouging, being DC and all, but there’s no way I’m dropping $60 (some places were charging even more!) just to get my hair cut. (Beer prices were a little inflated as well, but that’s a different rant…)

Based on good reviews, decent price, and the salon being within walking distance (about a mile), I decided to go with Bang Salon in NW DC. The woman cutting my hair was actually more nervous than I was but she was nice and did a good job of making me not look too ridiculous. I may not have the long hair anymore, but that will never stop me from rocking!

There was one thing, however, that I did find strange, which was how many short hairs were incredulous as to why I would cut my hair – nobody with long hair gave me a hard time about chopping it off. All you short hairs trying to live vicariously through us long hairs?

Enjoy some pictures of the hair in action for the past 8 years, and here’s to [hoping] at least 8 more years of hair:





I can no longer call myself a long hair, but I’m ok with that. I don’t miss it, at least not yet. And I still have the pony tail if anyone wants a wig or two. Any takers?

{this moment}

A Friday ritual: a single photo, unaccompanied by explanation, which captures “a simple, special, extraordinary moment…I want to pause, savor and remember.” ~SouleMama




If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments for all to find and see.


Several of you have asked for pics of our new place – sorry for the delay! Here is an outdoor tour – inside pics to come. We’re aiming to do before and after shots, you know, to emphasize the back-breaking labor and painstaking aesthetic attention to decorating a la Young House Love. We do indeed have a Listy-McListerson of our own that is *pages* long. This weekend we are demolishing the kitchen. I’ll be cooking from the dining room for at least 2 weeks. Other than preparing for this big kitchen reno, we’ve mostly focused on some outdoor changes – expanding the chicken coop for our Chickie Ladies (and their new friends, including a roo), planting the first of many fruit trees and berry bushes, laying a path, cleaning up the shed (where a duck massacre had apparently taken place) and the grounds (oh my, was there a lot of trash). Inside, we have done a few plumbing fixes (all W), drawer repair, caulking, fridge installment. You know, typical little things that need to be done. The main affairs have been making decisions on what to do with the kitchen and unpacking boxes. So many boxes. Where did we acquire all this stuff? I thought I purged drastically when we were moving! Why didn’t we just abandon it at the storage unit? How did we ever live without a single closet or a clothes washer and dryer? We’ll never know the answers, but we’re sure glad to be HOME now.

The Front.
house front 1 House front

The Back.
house back House back 1

The Barn.
barn 1 barn

The Fields.
P1070089 P1070088


{missed moments}

For the last four Fridays I’ve reminded myself, “{this moment}, don’t forget!” It’s not that I’ve “forgotten” per se…although the end result has been the same. I’ve started downloading a picture or queuing up the html code to post and then…***POOF***…my attention is drawn away and I’m being entreated to nurse or perform some random task. One thing’s for sure: when you are a new home owner, your mind and body are fractured into a bazillion little pieces and directions. It’s very hard to sweep them up and have a cogent thought or complete something without being interrupted/disrupted. This is to say, I’m sorry. Here are the past four Friday’s moments. Hopefully I’m back at it, SouleMama Crowd. I hope you’ve had some lovely moments as well. xo





*photo credit: Dave Rose



*photo credit: Sue Rose


